Saturday, January 23

life's like pathoogy jar

adakah hidup ini seperti jar di pathology department?

apa yang kita buat bila kita mengadap jar-jar ini?
sedaya upaya kita akan meneliti mana buruk, silap, bobrok jar tersebut.

apa yang kita buat bila kita menghadap jar-jar berjalan?
sedaya upaya juga melihat apa yang buruk, dan komen.

dan bagi membalas jasa kedua-dua aksi ini, kita diberi penghargaan...
pathology department akan beri kita 15 markah kalau kita pandai mengomen panjang lebar.
tapi rasenye Allah tak beri markah yang elok untuk orang yang kerjanya mencari salah orang lain.
bukan tak suka orang berdakwah, yang penting betul caranya...

nih ade citer...
satu hari kami pergi belajar dengan Dr. Basmaa di pathology museum...
disebabkan kelas pathology tuh pukul 12-2, muka masing-masing semua da mengantok.
jadi dr ni tanye
"why you look tired today? look so dull, opaque and lusterless?"
jadi kami berilah jawapan ala kadar jer..

kami pon terus belajar dan belajar...

"this is the valve of the heart with previously defective and having bacterial endocarditis. it looks dull, opaque and lusterless"

dussh! aku pandang Dr. tuh...nak tergelak pon ade. die define kitaorg macam define pathology jars...jadi kesimpulannya, life's like pathology jars!

p/s:jom study praktikal anatomy, physiology dan pathology!
(good luck to my housemate tomorrow; Afiq= Physiology, Khairi=Anatomy)

Thursday, January 21

nak post sementara sempat

gambar dengan hantaran tunang

ini hari jadi abang aku!

semalam internet buat pasal..jadi aku tak post pasal birthday die..dan post ini lewat sehari!
sorry abang ala...
semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki..
serta dipercepatkan jodoh! (tak lama da bulan 5!)

Tuesday, January 5


it's all about the money!
you have it or you don't!

THAT'S ALL! BE or not to BE!

once again i don't know...
the world seems so cruel to me.

i planned for turkey
but financial seems to be the biggest obstacle...
i have to used a lot of money here..


in a proper and straight forward way to say this,
i don't have enough money for turkey!

urgh...i hope it will be a great escape there in some place where i will spent a week there!
but this place is not that far and of course the cost will be around LE 1000-1500...
so wait for me..."the place", istanna 3alayya!

Sunday, January 3

i don't know

i feel like crying..
i don't know why.

it's not a new year i do expect
it's the worst January i ever had in my life.

i'd said i hate drama...

i need a great escape.
where i can rest
i really need rest
by rest i don't mean sleeping.

can't you all understand???

i hate the beginning of this year...
i always hope there's silver lining behind the cloud!